GeoTrans is a laboratory within the Department of Geography at UCSB. It was created in 2004 with the arrival of Professor Konstadinos G. Goulias bringing ideas from the Transportation Operations Program at the Pennsylvania Transportation Institute of PennState merged with Transport Geography at UCSB. This fusion of different traditions created behavioral models that account for activity opportunities in space, applications of data collection and modeling of sense of place in travel behavior, comprehensive access and accessibility computation by different modes and different amenities, novel and advanced time use and travel behavior pattern recognition methods using sequence analysis and complex networks, market analysis of new technologies, and further development of activity-based methods for travel demand analysis and forecasting in domestic agencies and abroad. GeoTrans main physical facility is a suite in Ellison Hall. Since 2004 GeoTrans has had 168 projects of approximately $6.6 million plus many graduate and undergraduate student fellowships.